Friday, November 28, 2008

Taking Off the Sports Hat for a Second...

I like to avoid the "pop-culture" scene, as those days have passed me by. No more TRL for me, I would rather watch the History Channel (in HD of course).

But, sometimes... sometimes things so monumental happen. You experience them and they change your life. Well, Japanese Metal has changed me. For the better? Well, we will have to see.

I hope this makes the turkey go down smooth. Happy Thanksgiving (not that there are ANY Thanksgiving undertones here).


Apparently, this sensation has a slight following. And someone took the time to play the song backwards, KISS style. And the lyrics are disturbing. No one has ever sounded like a cross between Timmy from South Park and Animal from the Muppets while chanting "Hug the Moose." EPIC.

By: Jimmy Smith

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