This year the game means squatro (Thanks to my brother for that word)
But Michigan, here is what you can do... PROVE THIS MAN WRONG. SHOW HIM HE MADE THE WRONG CHOICE.

(psst, although he really did make a good call, claps for you Mr. Pryor)
I will be adding to this as we go along this week. And if you have something to add... graffiti away.
Shoot us an email at
It really couldn’t matter less this year so… how about a look back a some of college football’s best fans.
OSU fan celebrates Bo Schembechler’s death
This makes Columbus sound like a utopia
Ah… the young ones in Ohio… thought this song before they are taught the alphabet. “We From OHIO”
See, told ya.
I don’t know which is funnier, the gitty laughing or the taser.
By: Jimmy Smith
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