Sunday, July 5, 2009

Steve McNair 1973-2009

Fireworks and grieving got in the way of doing this earlier. Steve McNair was my favorite quarterback of all-time. I am only 23 years old but the majority of my life I spent watching the McNair led Oilers/Titans. Javon Kearse, Eddie George, Jeff Fisher and Steve McNair became household names because of their success. Including this one moment, its tough for me to look at....

The 2003 NFL MVP was known for being one of the toughest players around and arguably the toughest quarterback to lace em' up. Broken and torn things couldn't get in the way of "Air" McNair.

You all know the story and I won't get into all of that. People say he wasn't a Nashville icon and he just did the philanthropy because the NFL made him. Ridiculous, McNair and fellow Mississippi native Brett Favre were two of the first high-profile people their to help the recovery of Hurricane Katrina that ravaged the area.

These instances and their implications and meanings are hard to explain, understand and convey to others. I was shaken by this. For one, because he was the leader of my favorite team as a kid. I was in Nashville from the first day of the Oilers and I am still a diehard. I was hoping Steve would mentor Vince Young and make him a better player but there was a failing out. And they played against each other instead.

Like I mentioned, I was upset about this because it was sudden and I never thought McNair would ever be in a situation like this. He wasn't sick and he wasn't PacMan Jones, to me he was the ultimate gentleman and gamesman. I thought my favorite athletes would pass much later in my life. But today is a far different and darker today.

He was a class act and hopefully what ever this turns out to be doesn't soil what a great career and life he led. He was taken away way to soon. Hell if he wanted to play some more, I've been watching Canadian Football lately, and although they would only be able to pay him in Tim Horton's gift certificates, he still has enough left in the tank to play the game.

Thank you Steve for making me love Tennessee Titan football and being a positive figure during your playing days. You are missed.

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